Spring events at Wildwood
We have lots of amazing events this spring at Wildwood, from Minibeast hunts (and crafts) to Saxon invasions and woodland discovery walks
- there is something for every inquisitive mind!
Book now to avoid disappointment!
To book Spring activities - please call 01227 712 111
To book conservation courses - please email courses@wildwoodtrust.org
Tuesday 28th May - Friday 31st May - Minibeast Hunts & Crafts
Go on a woodland minibeast (insect) hunt and collect some specimens to examination under the microscope then make your own cool minibeasts to take home.
2pm - 4pm on Tuesday 28th, Wednesday 29th & Friday 31st
10.30am - 12.30pm on Thursday 30th
£3 per person, one adult free per group*. Must book.
Sunday 2nd June - Spring Woodland Discovery Walk
As the weather warms up and the woodland starts to wake up for spring, go on a woodland discovery walk with natural heritage officer, Steve Kirk to discover the plants, trees and invertebrates in our woodland.
2pm - 4pm. £3 per person, one adult free per group*.
Must book. Unsuitable for toddlers / pushchairs.
Sunday 9th June - Dormouse Handling & Surveying Workshop
A course for consultants and those in training for their Dormouse Handling Licence. Places are limited to allow each participant time to handle, sex, weigh and assess age and breeding condition of a number of captive dormice under supervision.
11am - 3.30pm. £40 per person.
Please book with Suzanne Kynaston on 01227 711 471 or email courses@wildwoodtrust.org
Saturday 15th June & Sunday 16th June - Saxon Re-enactment Weekend
Wildwood is getting ready to face a Saxon invasion when Regia Anglorum, one of Britain's best Saxon re-enactment groups will be at the park for their annual Saxon re-enactment weekend. Visitors will be able to step back in time and visit Wychurst, the group's authentic Saxon Burgh (village) nestled in the depths of the forest at Wildwood and experience how our Saxon ancestors lived circa 1000AD.
The site will be open to visitors from 10am to 4.30pm both days. During the day, there will be a range of crafts on display both inside the Longhall and in the various artisan's tents inside and outside of the Burgh. You will be able to see warriors at training during the morning before the big event at 3pm when the Vikings will raid the Burgh! The Viking raid is a competitive open ended battle and either side might win!
10am - 4.30pm. £3 per person, under 14's go free*.
No need to book, drop in any time. Please note that Wildwood membership or entry fees must be paid.
Saturday 15th June - Wildwood Bioblitz
A family day of fun events to help us record as much of the wildlife at Wildwood as possible. We will be in the woods live trapping wood mice and voles, hunting for spiders and recording how many species of trees, plants, birds and invertebrates we have as well as looking for signs of other wildlife such as foxes and rabbits. Come along to help us record as many species as possible!
10am - 5pm. Free event*.
Must book for mammal trapping event, all other activities are drop in. Under 18's must be accompanied at all times.
Saturday 22nd June - Dormouse Ecology & Conservation
This one day course is recognised as the definitive course on dormouse ecology and monitoring. It is ideal for those with a general interest or those working towards their Dormouse Handling Licence. Included is a field visit to check nest boxes and information on relevant legislation.
£99 for individuals / £124 for groups.
Please book with the Mammal Society on 02380 237 874 or visit www.mammal.org.uk
Tuesday 25th June - Photo Day
Wildlife photography with tuition from our resident photographer. Get exclusive access and special animal feeds to help you get those close-up shots. Over 18 unless accompanied by an adult who is also taking part in the photo day.
Gift vouchers also available.
10.30am - 4pm. £79 per person (includes Wildwood entry fee). Min age 18yrs. Must book.
Saturday 29th June - Gardening For Wildlife
Learn the key features of a wildlife garden and how to encourage wildlife into yours. Learn how to grow a wildflower area and take a tour of Wildwood to see some of the animals that might visit your garden such as mice, bats, hedgehogs, slow worms, shrews and badgers (not all animals are guaranteed).
10am - 4pm. £30 per person.
Please book with Suzanne Kynaston on 01227 711 471 or email courses@wildwoodtrust.org
*Please note that Wildwood membership or entry fees must also be paid to attend events (excludes conservation courses and photo days).
To book Spring activities - please call 01227 712 111
To book conservation courses - please email courses@wildwoodtrust.org